Why go into retreat?
Henry David Thoreau, an American writer from the 19th century, asked one to “renew thyself completely each day; do it again, and again, and forever again.”
This 7 day Alchemical Wisdom retreat is designed to do just that. By going through the experience of this retreat, you shall:
Explore and experience the alchemical process of self-transformation
Experience a renewed consciousness of clarity, wisdom, and peace
Inaugurate a habit and practice that will serve to spur your personal and spiritual development
What is a retreat?
The act of retreat is to withdraw from the world and go deeply into oneself. This may be the last thing you’d want to do given your current responsibilities and ambitions, but it may be exactly what you’ve been longing for and what you know you must do.
Whatever the case may be, honouring the needs of your soul is a tried-and-true way to contact the energies of ineffable joy in your life. A timely retreat helps one to tap into the inner quiet which the soul needs for renewing itself.
While I highly recommend doing a retreat away in a monastery for seven days, I have also experimented with and experienced over the years the practice of going into retreat at home. It is ideal for those of us who want to make a profound change to our consciousness in a way that lasts, but for now have to find the right balance due to the demands of work and family.
This retreat is suitable for those of you who are curious and passionate about contemplation or wisdom, or who have experimented with meditation and introspection and enjoyed it, and who are ready to commit one hour per day for this in-home retreat experience.
Pre-retreat (1 day): Set up area for retreat at home. Decide on retreat time in advance
Retreat (7 days): schedule and reserve one hour per day, morning or evening, for guided contemplation, journaling, and prayer-affirmation
Post-retreat (1 day): integrate the retreat experience
Please refer to my email for the dates. Retreat takes place
early mornings and/or evenings in your time zone
How much:
Payment in Euros: €35 Payment in US dollars: $40
Please send me an email at hello@iamHDLee.com and provide your name and geographical location (e.g. San Francisco, California, U.S.A., or Brussels, Belgium).
Pay via PayPal to hsuieh.dean.lee@gmail.com for Euro payments
Pay via PayPal or Zelle to deanklee@gmail.com for USD payments
For bank transfers in Euros, use: ING Belgium SA/NV
Dean Lee
IBAN: BE74 3770 4070 7907 BIC (Swift) BBRUBEBB
Retreat material will be emailed to you three days before the start of the retreat. Please pay immediately upon registration.
“We discover beauty as we create it”
~ Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
About H.D. Lee
I am H.D. Lee, a certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach with a graduate degree in Transpersonal Psychology. My coaching work is informed by 20+ years of professional and life experience in the United States, Europe, and Asia. I work with you first and foremost from personal experience, which is the place from which I’ve derived the topics of my work as a life coach.